
Contains various benchmarks for MINLP problems

View the Project on GitHub andreaslundell/minlpbenchmarks

Current benchmarks

A Review and Comparison of Solvers for Convex MINLP

The PAVER reports used in the paper: “A Review and Comparison of Solvers for Convex MINLP” by J. Kronqvist, D.E. Bernal, A. Lundell and I.E. Grossmann are available here.

  1. All solvers and all 335 instances used in the benchmark.
  2. Problems with a high/low integer relaxation gap.
  3. Problems with a high/low level of discrete variables.
  4. Problems with a high/low level of nonlinearity.

The reports can also be downloaded from the repository. The logs can be downloaded here.

The Supporting Hyperplane Optimization Toolkit

The PAVER reports used in the paper: “The Supporting Hyperplane Optimization Toolkit” by A. Lundell, J. Kronqvist and T. Westerlund are available here.

  1. Commercial solvers.
  2. Noncommercial solvers.
  3. Different SHOT strategies and subsolvers.

The reports can also be downloaded from the repository.

Polyhedral Approximation Strategies for Nonconvex Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming in SHOT

The PAVER reports used in the paper: “Polyhedral Approximation Strategies for Nonconvex Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming in SHOTt” by A. Lundell and J. Kronqvist are available here.

  1. Objective gap.
  2. Objective gap, MIQCQP problems only.
  3. Primal gap.
  4. Mittelmann, nonconvex.
  5. SHOT nonconvex strategies.

The reports can also be downloaded from the repository.